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A welcoming and nurturing home for new beginnings

Second Chance "New Beginnings" Halfway House facilities exist to provide guidance and structure for men seeking rehabilitation and reentry into society. Our program provides this opportunity through mentorship, development of life skills, teaching life skills, and learning to cope with anger. Our facilities are a safe, sober living environment. Second Chance promotes advanced growth in physical strength and mental discipline, development of social norms and emotional well-being, community involvement and engagement as better citizens, and understanding of knowledge and gaining of wisdom.

Our mission is to provide structure and unconditional love to all, regardless of their personal or religious beliefs. No one will ever be discriminated against based on race, religion, ethnic background, sexual orientation, economic status, or disability.

In 2013, Second Chance "New Beginnings" Halfway House was founded by Mr. Lamont Ingram's nonprofit organization, the Lamont Ingram Developmental Organization (LIDO) for At-Risk Children. The founding of the transitional living program was the opportunity Mr. Ingram was searching for to improve the community and serve the disadvantaged population. Second Chance serves men who are released from incarceration, those recovering from addiction-related issues, and those who may be homeless due to circumstances beyond their control. Our program promotes a safe, healthy, and sober living environment where men have a second chance to learn and practice new skills and explore different, constructive methods of managing life without going back to old, maladaptive behaviors and other self-destructive methods. The members of Second Chance strongly feel that every person has value, despite their past, so we strive to provide an experience where men can find life full of purpose and a safe path to successful reintegration into society. Many community members turn their backs on the incarcerated, the addicts, and the homeless. They are considered broken! We at Second Chance believe that broken crayons still color because even though some may see our residents as "broken", we know…

Sometimes, you have to be broken to find your purpose in life so you can help the next man find his purpose in life too.


One response to “New Beginning Temporary Housing”

  1. “I was on death row, and my time had come. My last meal would satisfy even the best of men, but it tasted like dirt and ashes in my mouth. I couldn’t stomach the food. As I lay on the gurney with a needle in my arm, I knew my life was about to end in seconds. When the call came in to stop the execution, it was my first second chance at life. My next came when Lamont Ingram accepted me into his program, appropriately called Second Chance “New Beginnings” Halfway House. Now after 50 years in prison and being on death’s doorstep, I have my new beginning in life, thanks to the program at Second Chance. My gratitude and blessings go to the mentors who guided me through the program and to Mr. Ingram for giving this old man a chance to breathe free air again. God bless you all!” James “Chico” Clark

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Our Facilities

Welcome to our website, and thank you for considering our transitional housing program as your new home. Second Chance provides transitional housing for men released from incarceration, those recovering from addiction-related issues, and those homeless due to circumstances beyond their control. Our facilities provide a safe, structured environment to foster the development of independent men who are ready to reenter society. We strive to establish an environment of mutual respect and consideration for the feelings, needs, and rights of others. Our purpose is to assist, guide, and love unconditionally to all, regardless of their personal or religious beliefs. When living in a safe environment, reentry and rehabilitation efforts are shared by those with a common experience to support one another in their success in reentry and rehabilitation.

Second Chance “New Beginnings” Halfway House facilities continue making a difference at its facilities across Jackson, Tennesee.

Second Chance “New Beginnings” Halfway House facilities are approved by the Tennessee Department of Corrections (TDOC) and the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) to provide halfway house facilities for general and special populations. Our facilities are the largest housing providers in the state to specialized populations, and we receive residents from local, state, and federal institutions. Currently, there are two Second Chance facilities, and each site provides housing for twenty-four (24) men participating in the transitional housing program.

Site One

437 Riverside Drive

Site Two

95 Riverport Drive

Important Note: 

Residency at Second Chance’s facilities and the assistance available is a privilege, not a right, and tenants are expected to respect the privilege of receiving the services offered.

Program Focus

Second Chance provides a range of tailored services that address specific community needs and meet or exceed stringent government regulations associated with residential reentry facilities. We utilize a highly structured program that operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This structured schedule guides residents to accept responsibility for their positive and negative behaviors. Second Chance uses a very structured approach when dealing with each resident’s behavioral and reentry needs so the resident remains focused on rehabilitation back into society.

Our experience has taught us that to be effective in the reintegration process, we need to focus on three critical program areas that have proven to deliver the best results. Each program area employs evidence-based practices and validated risk/needs assessments to reduce recidivism. These areas are:

  • Education
  • Employment
  • Support

In-House Groups

Second Chance “New Beginnings” Halfway House requires five (5) in-house, non-treatment groups per day. These are:

(1) Job Readiness Skills
Resume Writing
Applying for a Job
Interviewing for a Job
Dressing for Success

(2) Money Management
Creating a Budget
Financial Responsibility
Smart Banking Choices
Building Credit

(3) Critical Thinking Skills
Developing Problem-Solving Skills
Sharpen Your Mind
Making Better Choices

 (4) Celebrate Recovery
Finding Spiritual Enlightenment
Learning From Others Mistakes
Leading Others to a Better Future

(5) AA/NA Meeting
Working the 12 Steps to Recovery

Services Provided

Medical Services Referrals (if needed)

Christ Community Healthcare in Jackson, TN
Licensed Registered Nurse (RN) available 24/7 for consultation

Mental Health Services Referrals (if needed)

Pathways of Jackson, TN

Support Services

Acquiring personal identification documents (birth certificate, social security card, state ID, or driver’s license)
Reinstatement of social security benefits (disability, retirement, SSI)
Applying for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly Food Stamps)

Safe and Sober Environment

Zero-Tolerance Policy for drug/alcohol use
Referral to Pathways for Intensive Outpatient classes (if needed)

Recreational Therapy

Free weights and workout machine
Game nights
Learning to play fairly

Guidance for employment opportunities and development of job readiness skills

Become a partner in our Fresh Start Initiative

Counseling for financial needs

How to open a checking or savings account How to acquire loans
How to build your credit score

Preparation for returning to the community

Setting short- and long-term goals
Guidance on housing options
Preparing to live independently

Program Completion Planning

Reviewing and adjusting short- and long-term goals for success
Communicating with the supervision officer to acquire approval for the home plan

Social Skills Training

How to dress for success
How to meet & greet properly Healthy eating habits
Good hygiene habits

Got Questions?

If you have questions about us and our subsidiary programs, feel free to send us a message.